About Miche

How Miche Bag Came to Be…

On the way home from work in the fall of 2004 Michelle Romero did something most women have done—she spilled on her favorite handbag. Frustrated by the thought of hunting for a replacement then transferring all the contents, she wished there was a way to just change the outside of the bag. The idea immediately popped into her mind to create a bag with changeable covers. Not to be deterred by her lack of sewing skills, Michelle grabbed her super glue and some scrap fabric, took apart the stained bag, and made the very first prototype. With her rough creation in hand, Michelle set out on a mission to bring the Miche Bag to life.

How Do You Pronounce That Name Again?

Michelle felt that the name would be a very important part of the product. After brainstorming many ideas, the name “Miche” (pronounced, “MEE-chee”) was suggested after the nick-name Michelle’s mother-in-law gave her. All of our interchangeable Shells bear women’s names too.

A Company is Born

Michelle shared her initial idea and concept with two reputable businessmen, Corbin B. Church and Chris Seegmiller. Corbin had experience running successful businesses and Chris had a background in importing and exporting. The combined expertise of the two put Miche Bag firmly on the road to success. Under the guidance of CEO Corbin Church, Miche Bag has experienced tremendous growth and its employees are excited about the future of the company. Recent growth includes new products being released monthly as well as expansion of the business into international markets.

2 Responses to About Miche

  1. Tanja says:

    Any covers with skulls or similr

    • Mary Jane Fitch says:

      Hi Tanya! Sorry, but we don’t have any shells with skulls or anything similar right now. We used to have one for the Classic bag but it has been retired. Would you like me to try to find one for you?

      Mary Jane Fitch
      Miche Independent Representative
      (916) 475-3166

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